2.1 The Flood

There are essentially two options that are given in relation to the flood; a worldwide flood or a local flood (more than one sub-option is available for this case). There are numerous problems with a worldwide flood and some of these problems also apply to a local flood. Some of the concerns cited against their being a flood in relatively recent times are given below and they can be split into two categories. The first two headings given below are problems with a local flood, while all the headings apply to a worldwide flood.

1. Archaeological Evidence

Flood level strata have been discovered in the ancient Iraqi cities of Ur, Kish and Fara but they do not correlate with each other, nor do they even cover the whole of each city. If the flood were local to this area then we would not expect the evidence that has been found. It may be possible that the flood were local to some other place, such as the black sea filling up which some suggest as a plausible location, but no conclusive evidence has been found there either. Archaeological evidence for a relatively large, if not global, flood remains elusive.

2. The size of the Ark

Wood only has limited strength compared to other materials that are used to make boats. The length of the Ark, as recorded in the bible is 450 feet. This is 50% longer than the largest relatively stable wooden boats built in modern times. These more recent boats of around 300 feet in length flex so much they have to be constantly pumped out because it is impossible to seal them from the water under them. Stronger materials like iron must be used for large boats.

Even an ark 450 feet long is not large enough to carry all the animals and their foodstuffs for the 1 year and 10 days that they were on the ark.

3. Gathering the animals

Assuming a worldwide flood we need to consider how the animals got to and from the ark. Some animals like sloths cannot travel quickly over land; others like kangaroos cannot travel across oceans. Some like pandas and aphids need special foods and others like small flightless birds need to live in isolation on islands or they are easy prey. If humans were to carry the animals with them as they repopulated the globe then why take a rattle snake or a grizzly bear with you?

An assessment of the number of animals also needs to be made. It is not clear what is meant by a ‘kind’, but based on the diversity of animals we find today it must be fairly close to what is now called a species. The timing of the flood is very recent geologically and natural mutation cannot account for the differences in DNA between animals today if a category higher up the taxonomic rank is used. The animals included are those that creep along the ground, this includes mammals, birds, reptiles and anthropoids. If, as some claim, the flood laid down the fossils (flood geology) then all extinct animals in these categories must also have been taken onto the ark, and the number of extinct species found increases every year. The animals taken also need to have been adult to have the required skills to live in the wild and pass on to their offspring.

Once the animals had got to the ark they then had to be loaded, which took 7 days. This seems unlikely given the huge number of animals involved.

After they were on the ark they need to be cared for which again presents problems. Animals are adapted to their habitat such that they cannot live in different conditions. There are cave dwelling anthropoids that need 100% humidity or they quickly die, a yak cannot live in temperate conditions. Some have short life spans and would need to reproduce in the 375 days they were on the ark. Snakes need live bait for food.

4. The Flood Itself

A global flood around 4000 years ago should provide evidence we simply do not find. Ice cores taken from the poles show no evidence of a global flood. If the ice caps had floated off, buoyant above the water, then they would not have regrown yet. In fact the Greenland ice cap would not regrow in the conditions since the last glacial period (ice age), around 10,000 years ago. No trace of the flood has been found in cores from the sea floor and there is no evidence of a flood in tree rings which date back more than 10,000 years.

5. The Geological Record

If the sedimentary layers were laid down over a long period of time this would prove that some kind of evolutionary process occurred. To avoid this conclusion some suggest that Noah’s flood caused the geology we find today (flood geology) but this goes against much evidence that can’t be explained by a global flood.

The following points need to be addressed if the flood caused our geology:
  • Why is extremely good sorting observed? Why didn't at least one dinosaur make it to the high ground with the elephants?
  • The fossil record is sorted in an order convenient for evolution.
  • The relative positions of plants and other non-motile life. Why don't any modern-looking plants appear that low in the geological column?
  • Why some groups of organisms, such as molluscs, are found in many geologic strata.
  • Why organisms which are very similar hydro-dynamically are still perfectly sorted.
  • Why extinct animals which lived in the same niches as present animals didn't survive as well.
  • Why small organisms dominate the lower strata, whereas fluid mechanics says they would sink slower and thus end up in upper strata.
  • Why artefacts such as footprints and burrows are also sorted.
  • Why no human artefacts are found except in the very uppermost strata. If, at the time of the Flood, the earth was populated by people with technology for shipbuilding, why were none of their tools or buildings mixed with trilobite or dinosaur fossils?
  • How do surface features appear far from the surface? Deep in the geologic column there are formations which could have originated only on the surface, such as; rain drops, river channels, wind-blown dunes, glacial deposits, Burrows, in-place trees, soil, desiccation cracks, footprints, meteorites, meteor craters and cave systems.
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  1. I suggest watching this http://creation.com/evolutions-achilles-heels

    Also take a look round creation.com for some answers to these questions.

    1. One of the things I discovered while searching for truth is that my human brain, like that of everyone else, is limited. I suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect just the same as you. So I had to ask myself what I should do with that to limit its effect on me.

      Outside of my own narrow expertise in Chemical Engineering, my answer is to look for the consensus of experts in their field. The higher the consensus the more likely the concept is to be true. So in the case of evolution, since you direct me to a page about evolution, is to look for the consensus of biologists who are experts in biology (not theologians who are experts in theology). The biologists overwhelmingly agree that evolution has happened in the past, and I agree with them – not because of my expertise (although I have read a lot on the subject) but because of theirs. Further, if their consensus changes then I will change my mind with them: I am open-minded and do not hold on to evolution as a cherished belief.

      I would also like to note that you have directed to me a website run by Creation Ministries International (CMI). You may be interested to read what is written by a Christadelphian about that organisation via a google search of his website using this google search.

    2. James: Your comment is typical of the many elderly Christadelphian creationist Evolution deniers and I frequently see it from them on my own website. They direct us to American Evangelical Trinitarian websites and decline to debate their creationist conspiracy theories with us.

      Why should we waste our time debating with American Trinitarians because Christadelphians are ignorant of the subject of Evolution and won't discuss with us?

      Instead of promoting Trinitarian Young Earth Creationist websites that have nothing to do with the Christadelphians, I suggest that you apply your mind to the writings of Christadelphian founder Dr. John Thomas instead. In the original version of 'Elpis Israel' chapter 2 he rejects your theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, as is taught at your creation.com website.

      "The duration of the earth’s revolutions round the sun previous to the work of the first day is not revealed; but the evidences produced by the strata of our globe show that the period was long continued......This view of the matter will remove a host of difficulties, which have hitherto disturbed the harmony between the conclusions of geologists and the Mosaic account of the physical constitution of our globe. Geologists have endeavoured to extend the six days into six thousand years.  But this, with the Scriptural data we have adduced is quite unnecessary.  Instead of six thousand, they can avail themselves of sixty thousand; for the Scriptures reveal no length of time."

      James: Don't be led astray by these American Trinitarians. Read your Bible and read Christadelphian works instead of all that heretical apostasy. Read the writings of the founders of your religion. They would have railed against websites like creation.com who reject geological evidence that was accepted by Dr. John Thomas, Robert Roberts, CC Walker and many founding Christadelphians.
